Welcome to the project THEME

In the following we would like to inform about the project:

Project THEME – Cooperations

Germany Cologne Government Regional Office European Agency for
Vocational Education and Training

Finland Salpaus Further Education Lahti Region Educational Consortium

  The City of Kouvola, Kouvola Region Vocational College

Italy Area Formazione Fondazione Centro Produttivita Veneto

  APRO Formazione s.c.a.r.l.

Lithuania Vytautas Magnus University

The Netherlands ROC Leeuwenborgh

  KCH International

  Endurance / Kenwerk

Slovenia Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Slovenia

Spain Asociación Catalana Internacionalización del Talento (ACIT)

  Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional Número Uno

Vocational training institutions involved
Adolf-Kolping-Berufskolleg, Horrem
Berufskolleg Bergisch-Gladbach
Berufskolleg Bergisch Land, Wermelskirchen
Berufskolleg Eifel, Kall
Carl-Reuther-Berufskolleg des Rhein-Sieg-Kreises, Hennef
Geschwister-Scholl-Berufskolleg, Leverkusen
Hans-Böckler-Berufskolleg, Köln
Joseph-DuMont-Berufskolleg, Köln

THEME – Aims and objectives
The project THEME wants to contribute to the fact that an internship abroad for
trainees will be as natural as it is for university students.

Experts in vocational education and training (VET) from Spain, Slovenia, the
Netherlands, Lithuania, Italy, Finland and Germany assure the quality of VET mobility
and contribute to its validation and recognition regarding the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) guidelines. At the same time a
network will be built between committed partners engaged in European vocational education and training. Everybody profits from this: the trainees themselves, their
companies and the teachers mostly organizing the internship abroad.

THEME – Background
The mobility of VET students increases their chances on the European labour
market, strengthens their personality and European identity. It is intended to increase students’ mobility rate to 6% until 2020 (aim of the EU) respectively to 10% (aim of the Federal Government). Currently the VET students’ mobility rate
amounts to less than 3%!

This objective can be only achieved by assuring more trainees of the benefits of an
internship abroad. In addition it is also necessary to convince their companies to
enable mobilities to a broader extent. In this regard they have to recognize the
benefits of a Europe-wide mobility. The trainees are able to gain insights
of work procedures in other countries and thus are able to give new impulses in their home company. Another advantage is the students’ growing self-esteem as well as their growing selfreliance.

Furthermore their knowledge of foreign languages will be improved, which is also
beneficial for enterprises with business relations abroad.

Viewed in the context of challenges caused by youth unemployment and the lack of
qualified employees, internships abroad contribute to increasing opportunities on the labour market.

Europe-wide vocational education and training is still restrained by huge differences
between the VET systems. There is a lack of transparency concerning the
possibilities in vocational education and training in the different countries. Especially
the recognition of long-term internships abroad is still insufficient. Furthermore
the organization of internships abroad involves time-consuming procedures.

THEME – Content
In the project THEME instruments will be created and improved to simplify the
operational management of internships abroad.

Furthermore the implementation of the ECVET process (European Credit System for
Vocational Education and Training) will be facilitated. A quality assurance of
internships abroad and their recognition will be improved.

The results and tools of previous successful projects (VQTS, TRIFT, ECMO,
E.R.M.E.S.) will be consolidated, evaluated and extended. They will be available on
a database for facilitating the organization of mobilities. At the same time a network
of committed partners in the European VET will be set up.

Based on existing competence matrices in the sectors trade, hospitality, electronics  
and mechatronics, partial competences/ learning units will be defined and integrated
into a database.

The database will generate learning agreements, assessment tools and the
EUROPASS mobility. The learning agreement for the internships abroad, their
validation and recognition as well as their organization will be facilitated.

An access to the database you can get here:


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.